
psyplus ets


because psychological well-being is a right of every person

Since 2011 PsyPlus has dedicated many of its initiatives to the world of school and developmental age as we know how important "a good start" can be. Being able to count on a healthy and balanced educational context, which is based on the concrete acquisitions of the scientific disciplines that concern this phase of existence, is often truly decisive. It is said that Freud considered being a parent the most difficult "job" of all, followed by the teacher and finally by the psychoanalyst ...: in this area of ​​work we are therefore concerned with offering support to all three, but still more to each person who is still growing.

Also within the PsyPlus school it has consolidated a significant partnership relationship with Save The Children Italy, an organization with which it shares great attention to the well-being of the beneficiaries and a scientific approach in defining projects.


Specialist skills acquired in psycho-pedagogy, neuropsychiatry, psychoneurobiology, ethnopsychology, and other related disciplines, allow us to respond effectively to the counseling needs of teachers, parents and school managers, as well as to prepare and implement functional and innovative projects that aim to protect and increase the well-being of each person.

below, some articles on developmental age, parenting, school

Adolescents and the Pandemic: A Psychodynamic Perspective

More than a year after the outbreak of the pandemic from Covid-19, girls and boys between the ages of 11 and 25 bear the marks of an experience that has left them confused, scared and even very angry. What does it mean to be teens during a pandemic world? And what challenges did the unconscious of the younger ones have to face?

Of fathers and mothers, of sons and daughters

Get a father. Put a big heart in it, a diagnosis that weighs even just hearing about it, the voices and the alcohol. Add up a grief, then another loss, then one, two breakups, an escape and surrender. Add a son, then another and another. Put in it a woman who loses love, but who doesn't give up and doesn't step aside. Then put the fragmentation into it: people dispersing. A group that is disintegrating, a core that goes away.

Let's talk about motherhood in a sincere way: making the invisible visible

The goal of this article is to help demythologize the mother figure, to promote thinking based on real data and experiences of parents of our time, and to help those who can feel alone in the uniqueness of their experience, to understand that difficulties related to the period perinatal they are more common than you might think.

Becoming parents during the lockdown: experiences and reflections

The article addresses the topic of parenting during the lockdown and in particular the delicate perinatal period between pregnancy and the "fourth trimester", the phase immediately following childbirth and the birth of the baby.

From distance teaching to face-to-face teaching: psychological and affective implications

After nearly six months of closure due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the schools they are preparing to reopen the doors and there are many issues that need to be addressed in order to try to ensure a safe opening. Which implications from a point of view psychological e affective is it plausible to expect?

The normality of violence: the miserable power and image of our times

A tragic episode has upset Colleferro, the Morandi town on the outskirts of Rome. The episode of aggression e violence brutal that led to the death of a 21-year-old young man, Willy Monteiro Duarte, by a group of boys slightly older than him, invaded the newspapers arousing anger, indignation, sense of unacceptable. 

School and psycho-social orientation services within IC Artena

In the school year 2019/2020 PsyPlus activated in collaboration with theIC "Artena" un school service and psycho-educational advice. The planned activities were presented to the school community in a meeting in plenary attended by teachers, families and the school manager. This first meeting aimed at communicating and collecting needs and needs of minors and families represented the start of the journey.

Choices of a migrant parent - educating children as at home?

As discussed in a previous article in this blog, raising a child away from their home country it is a challenge that adds to the already extensive list of difficulties and revolutions that arise when becoming mothers or fathers. In this article we will talk about one of the most common dilemmas for a parent abroad: the educational choices.

Coronavirus explained to children: which languages ​​and contents to use

Certainly many of you are facing the thorny question of how to explain to children what is happening. The health emergency of the coronavirus is a phenomenon that has drastically changed everyone's lifestyle, causing social and psychological repercussions.

Children: educate or know how to stay?

In a passage of "Terminable and Interminable Analysis" (1937) Freud said that the three impossible professions are, in order: governing, educating and analyzing, which are reflected respectively in the functions of the parent,teacher and the psychologist. All roles united by the presence of a great-expert who relates to a small-inexperienced.

Outdoor education: a response to the educational crisis

"When the sky is the roof and the teaching tools are the fields and nature ..."

Modern society has imposed a series of socio-cultural changes that have led to a progressive removal of man from his environment and made the necessary contact with nature more difficult.

The "liquid" family

The family is a structured open system based on a hierarchy of roles e borders internal and external functional stability (between the core components and in society in general). In respect of these fundamental axioms, the adult / parent becomes the witness of the passage of those principles and those rules that allow children to orient themselves in the world and reach a sufficient individual balance, because it is within the family that everyone's maturing process towards acquiring an identity begins.

With your help, every day

we translate knowledge of psychology into effective projects

for the psychological well-being of each person

since 2011 we have been committed to the dissemination of psychological well-being as a right of every person

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