
Alcoholism and personality

Alcohol addiction and alcohol abuse are clinical conditions characterized by specific thought structures and certain behavioral aspects related to the use of the alcoholic substance. The palatability of alcoholic drinks The day after E.Munchit prevailed over the others for its tonic and euphoric effect, for the momentary relief they give to anguish and for the sense of solidarity among individuals that "drinking together" has always meant. The importance of the socio-cultural, biological, genetic and psychological dimension that constantly pushes the individual towards the use and subsequent abuse of this substance should not be underestimated. Psychological reasons include incentives that facilitate alcoholism, states of tension, difficulties in human relationships, feelings of insecurity, the inability of personal affirmation and the need for gratification. The unstoppable desire that drives the patient with an alcohol addiction to take this substance, the effects of which have already been experienced in the past, is called craving. During the seminar we will try to provide a picture of the different types of craving in the alcoholic patient and related psychopathological manifestations, the most effective treatments will be illustrated to prevent and contrast the spread of this phenomenon.
Dr. Rita Fiorentino
The seminar will be held on Friday 16-10-2015, 15.00-18.00, at the headquarters of'IREP., Via Piave, 7 Rome.


The new addictions: Ludopathy, Internet addiction, Porno addiction

When a creation of technology appears to change the actions and relationships of individuals, the real impact it will have on our life cannot be predicted. With the appearance and mass diffusion of the media to communicate and rsz semininariotolveexchanging information spaces and times of relationships and interactions have changed. Twenty years after the boom in mobile phones and fifteen years after the appearance of the internet, we can evaluate new technologies based on the strengths and variations of daily life, but also on those forms of excess and loss of meaning that are manifested by the entrance pathologies from new addictions within the psychiatric and clinical categories. In this change how does our body place, the flow of emotions and thoughts, our stability over time that we indicate with the term identity? The seminar aims to be a moment of reflection in which to define guidelines that contribute to the promotion of the use and non-abuse of communicative media.

Dr. Giuseppe Tolve - Dr. Daniele Manasse

The seminar will be held on 13-11-2015, 15.00-18.00 pm, at the headquarters of'IREP., Via Piave, 7 Rome.


Identity and Trauma: the centenary of the Marsica earthquake read in a psychodynamic key

The history of modern Marsica unfolds on two basic events: the drying up of Lake Fucino and the earthquake of '15. Events totally dissimilar between rsz 17128rkdjexl sl1500 2-1them, for the elementary consideration that the first was the work of man (politician, administrator or entrepreneur who was) and the second was the work of nature. But these two events, moreover temporally close, conferred perhaps a unique relief to the territory that had been subject to it, and despite their etiological diversity, they presented two mirror effects: an upheaval of identities and a loss of the memory of the roots (G. Nicoli). In this seminar we will propose an a posteriori psychodynamic reading of the events from the end of the 800th century to the beginning of the 900th century, attempting to size the impact of these on the population of the Abruzzo hinterland. 
Dr. Giuseppe Scurci

earthquake, emergency, trauma

Read more: Identity and Trauma: the centenary of the Marsica earthquake read in a psychodynamic key

Discomfort and mental health in migrants

UlyssesEmigration implies a break, a detachment; it means abandoning, going away, leaving behind a protective shell, the homeland, and heading elsewhere. Elsewhere is a place far from the sounds, smells, sensations that constitute the first traces on which a psychic functioning code has been established. It means finding oneself halfway between two cultures, "plucking one's roots from the land of origin, looking for a way to transplant oneself into the new land, with the need not to renounce oneself, one's own identity" (Mazzetti, 1996). A phenomenon of this magnitude involves the crossing of certain psychic paths and also of possible manifestations of discomfort. The subjects who come to us are generally people who in their country have fought for a long time against a dictatorship, or against a political situation that deprived them of all freedom; who have seen comrades, family members disappear or have suffered injustice and violence themselves for having protested. What you are looking for is a place where your rights are respected, where your identity and autonomy are welcomed without prejudice. The aim of the seminar will be to analyze the traumatic consequences that a forced migration path produces on a subject and what are the possible intervention strategies to favor social integration.
Dr. Claudia Notari
The seminar will be held on Friday 12-06-2015, 15.00-18.00, at the headquarters of'IREP., Via Piave, 7 Rome.
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Mindfulness: an aid for stress management and the cultivation of well-being in everyday life through awareness

mindfulness3x3Mindfulness is a particular form of awareness, it is a universal human attitude present in each of us. It is necessary to cultivate and rediscover this mode of being that allows us to enter into relationship with ourselves, with one's body, with one's heart, one's mind, with others and with the reality that surrounds us in a new, more present way more alive, directly in contact with our needs. Mindfulness allows you to stop your usual reaction automatisms, avoiding to continue to implement inadequate and repetitive behavioral reactions, this is very important to recover psychological well-being, harmony, mind-body integration and take a path to discovery of ourselves. During the meeting there will be a presentation of the MBSR program, stress reduction through awareness program, conceived and structured by Dr. Jon Kabat Zinn, we will talk about the neuroscientific research that supports the results obtained by a constant Mindfulness practice, we will experience it .

Dr. Marika Nuti

The seminar will be held on Friday 08-05-2015, 16.00-18.00, at the headquarters of'IREP., Via Piave, 7 Rome.
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Emergency - control - panic: l

rsz psy logoIn the experience of panic, one of the central elements is represented by the emergency: Hades used Pan and Pena to sow terror among men, sending them to each other without giving prior warning. The emergency, which materializes starting from sensational psychophysiological manifestations, is also configured as an unexpected and terrifying loss of the possibility of containing / controlling / protecting one's body and one's sense of identity. Paradoxically, the fear of dying joins here the need to "die to oneself" to undertake a process of re-appropriation of the multiple polarities of the Self, which can be recognized and reintegrated in the structuring of an ego-sustainable identity. To positively initiate a therapeutic process that can also be of medium to long duration, it is necessary, first of all, to be able to welcome the anguished experience of the person in front of us and adopt strategies to contain the psychophysiological symptomatology of which the crisis is the bearer.
Dr Claudio Dalpiaz
The seminar does http://viagrausa-online.com/emotional-problems-that-may-cause-you-your-sex-drive-and-lower-a-libido/ held on Friday 11-09-2015, 15.00-18.00, at the headquarters of'IREP.,  Via Piave, 7 Rome.
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Alexithymia and affective regulation

MagritteThe difficulty in verbally expressing emotions, the lack of imagination and the colorless communicative style that Sifneos and Nemiah indicated with the term "alexithymia" in 1970, has led in the last 40 years to different lines of research. The seminar intends to deal with the alexithymic construct in the light of new research which underlines that it no longer refers exclusively to the psychosomatic patient; alexithymic areas or moments can in fact be found in different personality organizations, in relation to different contexts and moments of life. 
Dr. Pierpaolo Nastasia
The seminar will be held on Friday 11-12-2015, 15.00-18.00, at the headquarters of'IREP., Via Piave, 7 Rome.
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Eating disorders and mentalization: two theoretical perspectives compared

Eating disorders are increasingly identifiable as a body metamorphosis to narrate discomfort. Their presence and incidence in modern and western society is increasing more and more, but they are starting to go beyond seminarsirollimanase1Culture Bound syndrome and they become real clinical puzzles that cannot be separated from individual psychic functioning, from the way of perceiving and identifying emotions, from the level and presence of alexithymic moments and from the planning of a hypertrophic super-ego (Recalcati, 2001).
The psychic functioning modality and the mentalization ability of subjects affected by DCA offer a clinical look that opens the way to different perspectives and modalities of therapeutic approach. DCAs are a pathology that must necessarily be addressed according to a multidisciplinary and bio-psycho-social approach. It is necessary to involve the family and look at the disturbance within the individual and his specific psychic functioning.
The seminar proposes the search for a dialogue between methodologies that has as its ultimate goal the well-being of the individual.
Dr. Arianna Sirolli - Dr. Daniele Manasse
The seminar will be held on Friday 2-10-2015, 15.00-18.00, at the headquarters of'IREP.,  Via Piave, 7 Rome.
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Parental mediation: managing parental conflict differently; analysis of the phases and techniques of family mediation through a clinical case

rsz mediation famParental mediation replaces the conflict, almost always active, in cases of separation and divorce, allowing the two spouses to find an alternative channel to communicate. It does not replace family therapy, let alone legal advice, it follows a specific and peculiar path that aims at the possibility that the two parents, through the mediation of a third party, can develop a satisfactory separation program in the first person. for them and their children, in whom they can exercise common parental responsibility.
Dr. Patrizia Perrone
The seminar will be held on 15-05-2015, 15.00-18.00 pm, at the headquarters of'IREP., Via Piave, 7 Rome.
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