
Inside Out


Inside Out and the islands of personality

This cartoon from Pixar it is extraordinary for many reasons. Personally I prefer one above all: it tells (and does not explain, boring psychologists think about it!) How the human mind works in such a simple and beautiful way that it almost seems to touch with hand all those psychic elements and structures often studied with great difficulty on books!
At the same time I would like to start this post by sharing the feeling of discomfort and annoyance that I felt in the first 15 minutes of the cardboard. The reason for this initial annoyance depended on two factors. First, I feared that history would offer us a model of mental well-being based exclusively on the idea of ​​optimism, represented by Gioia (I must say, initially a bit unpleasant!) Who immediately imposed herself as a protagonist, trying to inhibit all other emotions, especially apathy (and nice!) Sadness. The slogan seemed to be: "you have to be optimistic, happy, confident and everything will go well!" This idea is not in itself negative but, psychologically, wrong. Life and our experiences are too complex to believe that well-being lies only in positive thinking. The second aspect that annoyed me is linked to the idea, always initial, that our internal world was very, very similar to the "internal world" of a computer. The psychological model represented moved on the conceptual basis of a schematic organization, only cognitive, where it was enough to dose the emotions well and all the experiences would have been managed better. A theory emerged of a neutral mind at birth (the famous "tabula rasa") which begins to accumulate memories, possibly positive, with a mechanism similar to the functioning of an electronic machine, which stores data and classifies them by topics; in short, for a quarter of an hour I feared the worst!


Read more: Inside Out

Psychological-Scientific Training Area Psy +

Marika seminarThe Psy + Seminars, in their second edition, are proposed as support for the Continuous Training of Mental Health Operators.
In particular, they are aimed at psychology students, students of training sciences, psychologists, psychotherapists, doctors, paediatricians, socio-health workers, teachers and all those interested in the topic.
The seminars are in fact an opportunity for comparison and updating on issues related to the individual's mental, physical and social well-being. It is therefore possible to create dialogues between the various theoretical orientations and provide a communicative window with them.
The main objective is to provide continuous updating on the most frequent psychopathological frameworks in clinical practice and to offer a space for reflection through the interaction of various theoretical-clinical experiences.
Each seminar cycle proposed is completely free. At the end of the seminars, a scientific documentation is drawn up to deepen the themes and provide more and further theoretical references based on the most recent contributions offered by the international scientific panorama. The scientific teaching material will be provided to members who request it.
Our seminars have been advertised on the website of the Order of Psychologists of Abruzzo and of the Order of Psychologists of Lazio, having been recognized as a precious opportunity for continuous training in psychology and psychotherapy.
In 2015, an agreement was opened with the European Research Institute in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy in Rome, which offered its premises for their development.
For information you can visit our website: www.psyplus.org, contact directly the Psy + Psychological-Scientific Training Area contact person, Dr. Arianna Sirolli: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; or write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


The seminar cycle just ended covered several topics, each addressed by an expert in the field. In this issue of the newsletter we report the abstract of the seminar held Patrizia Perrone, systemic-relational psychotherapist and expert in the field of parental mediation.
“Parental mediation: managing parental conflict differently; analysis of the phases and techniques of family mediation through a clinical case. "
Abstract: Parental mediation replaces the conflict, almost always active, in cases of separation and divorce, allowing the two spouses to find an alternative channel to communicate. It does not replace family therapy, let alone legal advice, it follows a specific and peculiar path that aims at the possibility that the two parents, through the mediation of a third party, can develop a satisfactory separation program in the first person. for them and their children, in whom they can exercise common parental responsibility. You can consult the list of Psy + Onlus seminars of the last cycle clicking here. For information on our training activities, write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




Special Life 1

The "A Special Life, Special care for Special Needs" project involves volunteers selected by Psy + Onlus in the implementation of innovative activities in favor of users with intellectual disabilities, guests of the Naša Kuća day center, in Belgrade, Serbia.
The project entered the operational phase from September 2015 when the selected volunteers followed an intensive training weekend with the experts of Psy + Onlus and the staff of Naša Kuća.




Prevention and intervention on gambling disorder d


Rome Gambling Survey

Analysis of the data of the Rome Gambling Survey, our orientation research on gambling within the foreign population in the Municipality of Rome.

Psy + Onlus in collaboration with the Orthos project carried out a preliminary investigation aimed at exploring the phenomenon of gambling in the foreign population living in the territory of Rome.

In recent years, the opportunities for gambling have multiplied and branched across the territory, differentiating and pervading every social space. In recent times numerous Las Vegas-style game rooms have flourished which in terms of turnover and social damage have nothing to envy to the real casinos. We are constantly witnessing the opening of small spaces dedicated to gaming, in particular to slot machines, which occupy the space left empty by commercial or artisan businesses forced to close due to the crisis. A crisis that is often exacerbated by the illusion of being able to face it by relying on chance, luck. And 'so that hundreds of thousands of citizens, Italian and foreign, "invest" the little money they have in the hope of multiplying it, thanks to a pounding publicity by dealers and state monopolies. If it is true that advertising is often accompanied by the indication "responsible play" and that the message of prohibition against gambling is periodically spread for those under the age of 18, it is also true that the continuous promotion of the game is guilty of light of the daily dramas that afflict the news forcing those affected to clog the lines of aid services (often not financed by the state).


Read more: Prevention and intervention on gambling disorder d

Projects for school

Psy + Onlus deals with psychological counseling in schools. The intervention activity has the following objectives:
  • Guarantee a clinical psychological service, support and counseling within the school.

  • Reduce socio-cultural distances and feelings of discriminatory belonging that hinder the aggregation processes and the teaching process.

  • Promote dynamics of integration and active participation in community life by parents and the territory, enhancing the school as a space for cultural promotion and psycho-social well-being.

Currently our psychological listening counters are active at the IC "Antonio de Curtis in arte Totò" (at first degree secondary school), the IC "Via Pirotta" (at secondary school) e the IC "Via Giuseppe Messina" (at primary and secondary of first degree), the IIS Guglielmotti of Civitavecchia (at secondary of second degree - weekly frequency).
REFERENCE TARGET: Pupils, parents, teachers, auxiliary staff and key community figures (close to the educational institution).
PROJECT: The project aims to respond to the needs of the school related to the need for an internal psychological service that supports pupils, families and teaching staff with qualified interventions, aimed at containing individual inconveniences and dysfunctional dynamics and promoting the improvement of teaching effectiveness. The planned clinical psychological intervention is carried out by professionals in the sector under the Psy + Onlus association. Psychologists who work in the school context are qualified for the profession and registered on the national register. The project is divided into 3 phases. A preliminary survey, oriented to the exploration of the context through a careful analysis of the demand that makes it possible to identify the relevant problems and resources to Messina School Project Presentation1arrangement of the organizational system. This is followed by an information activity on the listening desk service and an intervention to raise awareness and recall on issues with a maladaptive impact. To this end, seminars and focus groups, plenary assemblies and study days open to parents and teaching staff are organized. We then work on the creation of the internal desk to provide psychological-clinical support and advice on individual, developmental, family and couple problems. The desk has a clinical function but not a psychotherapeutic one, it is also open to teachers and parents and acts as an interface with the mental health services of the territory and with professionals in the sector, in the case of complex problems. The counter work can also include the use of observations in the classes. In addition to clinical activity, actions are developed to contain abuse, bullying and school drop-out. These actions are co-designed with the teaching staff and the school presidency on the basis of what emerged from the initial analysis of the context. The effectiveness and stability of the changes produced are then assessed with follow-up aimed at following up and replicating the intervention in line with the results achieved and the new maintenance and change objectives.
Starting from the 2015-2016 school year Psy + Onlus has activated:
  • projects that aim to highlight through an early screening (within the second grade), if any learning difficulties in order to prevent the emergence and consolidation of erroneous and ineffective strategies or mechanisms and limit the damage deriving from frustration for failure such as loss of motivation to learn, withdrawn into oneself, low self-esteem, relationship problems.

  • teacher training and supervision.

Schools interested in our services can contact us at the email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Psy + Onlus participated in the Sonet-Bull project for the prevention and contrast to the phenomenon of school bullying, promoted by Fondazione Mondo Digitale.
The project SONET-BULL "The use of ICT social networking tools together with Peer Learning and Crowdsourcing techniques to form school communities on how to deal with student bullying" involves 4 European countries and aims to combine modern pedagogical approaches (e-learning and peer learning ) with the widely used technological means (internet, social networks, cell phones) in order to provide timely and continuous support to the whole community of actors interested in the phenomenon of school bullying. The main objective of the project is to plan, create, implement and evaluate a training path and one training platform able to provide teachers, trainers of teachers and all the others stakeholders, access to accredited training material on school bullying, as well as the means and tools to publish their experiences and comment on the experience of their peers. The training courses are based on Peer Learning and crowdsourcing techniques.
For further information on the project:  www.sonetbull.eu
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Editorial 2016-1

photome VERT4Welcome to you who read.
Finally, with the first issue of the Psy + Onlus Newsletter, we can start to inform you regularly about the social activities of our association. In these first five years the working group has grown, in number and in operational capacity, and the patrimony of competence and motivation of each member is finding a place in the projects for the benefit of the community. Precarious among the precarious, as operators of the non-profit private social sector, we have to deal daily with the difficulty of consolidating a team, its practices, its common culture. We are succeeding, and despite the different approaches (or perhaps thanks to this variety) Psy + Onlus is increasingly being characterized as a co-construction space, as a project development laboratory, as a structure whose internal solidarity translates into interventions in solidarity with favor of the territory. Coordinate, cooperate, assist. At various levels, everyone's ability to collaborate is expressed in contributing to that which exceeds the sum of the parts. Together, we can do more, and do it better. From Italian language and culture courses for unaccompanied foreign minors, to informal training, from scientific seminars to listening counters in schools, from consultancy services, psychological support and psychotherapy to the development and implementation of pathological addiction projects, support for parenting, integration, de-institutionalization, countering bullying and early school leaving. In the pages of this newsletter, in this and in the numbers that follow, we will take care to describe the associative activities to our members, our supporters and anyone interested in these issues, in the hope of being able to communicate the passion with which we are engaged in dissemination of good practices in psychology, psychotherapy, social solidarity and cooperation. Thank you for your support !

       Claudio Dalpiaz

Signature Claudio Dalpiaz

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