
Psychological-Scientific Training Area Psy +

Marika seminarThe Psy + Seminars, in their second edition, are proposed as support for the Continuous Training of Mental Health Operators.
In particular, they are aimed at psychology students, students of training sciences, psychologists, psychotherapists, doctors, paediatricians, socio-health workers, teachers and all those interested in the topic.
The seminars are in fact an opportunity for comparison and updating on issues related to the individual's mental, physical and social well-being. It is therefore possible to create dialogues between the various theoretical orientations and provide a communicative window with them.
The main objective is to provide continuous updating on the most frequent psychopathological frameworks in clinical practice and to offer a space for reflection through the interaction of various theoretical-clinical experiences.
Each seminar cycle proposed is completely free. At the end of the seminars, a scientific documentation is drawn up to deepen the themes and provide more and further theoretical references based on the most recent contributions offered by the international scientific panorama. The scientific teaching material will be provided to members who request it.
Our seminars have been advertised on the website of the Order of Psychologists of Abruzzo and of the Order of Psychologists of Lazio, having been recognized as a precious opportunity for continuous training in psychology and psychotherapy.
In 2015, an agreement was opened with the European Research Institute in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy in Rome, which offered its premises for their development.
For information you can visit our website: www.psyplus.org, contact directly the Psy + Psychological-Scientific Training Area contact person, Dr. Arianna Sirolli: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; or write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


The seminar cycle just ended covered several topics, each addressed by an expert in the field. In this issue of the newsletter we report the abstract of the seminar held Patrizia Perrone, systemic-relational psychotherapist and expert in the field of parental mediation.
“Parental mediation: managing parental conflict differently; analysis of the phases and techniques of family mediation through a clinical case. "
Abstract: Parental mediation replaces the conflict, almost always active, in cases of separation and divorce, allowing the two spouses to find an alternative channel to communicate. It does not replace family therapy, let alone legal advice, it follows a specific and peculiar path that aims at the possibility that the two parents, through the mediation of a third party, can develop a satisfactory separation program in the first person. for them and their children, in whom they can exercise common parental responsibility. You can consult the list of Psy + Onlus seminars of the last cycle clicking here. For information on our training activities, write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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