
What happened to the father? The evolution of the father figure throughout human history

Journey through the thought of the psychoanalyst Luigi Zoja
Review of the book "The gesture of Hector"

In 2000 the psychoanalyst Luigi Zoja published the essay entitled "The gesture of Hector - Prehistory, history, current events and disappearance of the father" with the aim of bringing light onevolution of the father figure throughout human history.

The author does not refer to father as to the male parent but he intends it as principle psychic (or, from the Jungian perspective that belongs to him, "archetype") active in the child's mind, and carries out the discussion by examining a vast series of testimonies such as historical finds, behaviors, artistic productions and scientific studies.

The "liquid" family

The family is a structured open system based on a hierarchy of roles e borders internal and external functional stability (between the core components and in society in general). In respect of these fundamental axioms, the adult / parent becomes the witness of the passage of those principles and those rules that allow children to orient themselves in the world and reach a sufficient individual balance, because it is within the family that everyone's maturing process towards acquiring an identity begins.

Choices of a migrant parent - educating children as at home?

As discussed in a previous article in this blog,raising a child away from their home country it is a challenge that adds to the already extensive list of difficulties and revolutions that arise when becoming mothers or fathers. In this article we will talk about one of the most common dilemmas for a parent abroad: theeducational choices.

Let's talk about motherhood in a sincere way: making the invisible visible

The goal of this article is to help demythologize the mother figure, to promote thinking based on real data and experiences of parents of our time, and to help those who can feel alone in the uniqueness of their experience, to understand that difficulties related to the period perinatal they are more common than you might think.

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