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In this space you will find a series of articles written by our psychologists on the most interesting topics in the world of psychology.
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Complexity, cod and psychological perception of safety

That of Security Decree it is a hot topic. Sharply criticized by a broad front ranging from opposition to humanitarian associations, it was judged unconstitutional by the associations of legal studies, economically disadvantageous for the country system, unworkable with respect to the expected economic coverage.

migrants, immigration, welcome, safety, social psychology, company

Read more: Complexity, cod and psychological perception of safety

Performance anxiety: that tremendous fear of making mistakes

L'anxiety in its various manifestations it is a very common emotional state that affects a large part of human experience. In some cases it can take the form of "afraid of being afraid”, In the absence of a concrete danger, faced with a situation that does not present a real danger but which represents a threat to adaptation and / or survival. 

psychotherapy, anxiety, fear, make a mistake

Read more: Performance anxiety: that terrible fear of making mistakes

Eating disorders 2.0: The hidden fragility between social networks and eating disorders

The sites Pro-Ana e Pro-Mia belong to the neo-pitfalls of the gods social and new technologies accompanying the birth of new frontiers of the food disorders called 2.0.
We are faced with a real string effect, where each branch constitutes a disturbed way of dealing with nutrition, nutrition and body image, here we find the puppeteers of Eating Behavior Disorders (DCA): fitnessApp, applications for the control of caloric assimilation, Instagram thriving with darlings of fitness and muscle gain, virtual personal trainers. They are tools that can lead to sports addictions, excessive food control up to real phobias for certain foods!

food disorders, supply, social networks, identity, pregnancy, adolescence

Read more: Eating disorders 2.0: The hidden fragility between social networks and behavioral disorders ...

Trauma and psychic wounds: the function of the therapeutic relationship

The word "trauma" comes from the Greek τραῦμα, which means < >, < >. In organic medicine it indicates a tissue injury. As early as 1920, Freud used the term in a metaphorical sense to emphasize the fact that the mind can be pierced and wound from events.

In this sense the trauma it is an attack on thought that cools and blocks emotions, placing the individual in front of a feeling of total impotence.

psychotherapy, trauma, PTSD, therapeutic relationship, therapist

Read more: Trauma and psychic wounds: the function of the therapeutic relationship

The couple relationship: the paradoxes of intimacy

"If we admit that intimacy is one of the forces involved in the dialectic between belonging and individuation, and that for most people the need, desire, desire for intimacy are stronger than the ability to tolerate it, it follows that in in the sphere of our personal relationships, most of us are victims of human respect "(CA Whitaker, 1989).

Cross and delight of human relationships, a lot has been written about intimacy and several scholars of the psyche have dealt with it trying to explain what drives the human being to desire something that he perceives as dangerous for the integrity of his own self.

affectivity, relations, love, communication

Read more: The couple relationship: the paradoxes of intimacy

Self-harm between culture and pathology

Defining exactly a phenomenon such as self-harm, which appears to be growing enormously, is very complex and presupposes one flexibility in the categorization which often makes the evaluation criteria uneven. As in all good frameworks, we start from a first coarse but effective division: theself harm culturally recognized and encouraged and the deviant or pathological one. 

Self-harm, Borderline, Cutting, Culture, Psychopathology, Anthropology

Read more: Self-harm between culture and pathology

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