
Psy + Onlus engaged in the LIG PROJECT - LazioinGioco

Project financed by the Lazio Region for the prevention of the risks deriving from pathological gambling, through targeted activities, pursuant to LR 5/13 - Deliberation of the Regional Council n. 314/2014


Psy + Onlus participates, in partnership with Coop. Soc. Parsec, Auser Association and Coop. Soc. Il Cammino, to the project to prevent risks deriving from pathological gambling financed by the Lazio Region called LIG - Lazioingioco.
The offer of games of chance in Italy has shown an exponential growth in the last decade, coming to constitute a visible and characterizing presence on our territory; what was once an activity intended for a restricted sector of the population, which frequented casinos or the so-called "gambling dens", today is offered daily, 24 hours a day, to new sectors of the population (for example women, minors, pensioners) .


The type of gambling games proposed has also changed, as games that guarantee greater frequency of play are presented and that have another "strength" in the capillary availability of the game points in the area (keep in mind that it is also possible to play from their electronic devices, such as smartphones, tablets and PCs). Frequency and availability on the territory, together with a pounding and winking advertising communication on the sector, have increased and facilitated the spread of gambling diseases (Gambling Disorder), completely similar to addictions to substances.


The Lazio Region has provided, with the Regional Law of 5 August 2013, a set of interventions to combat, prevent and reduce the risk of addiction to GAP (Pathological Gambling), in particular the creation of information desks and the creation of a regional listening center to support people and families who are unable to resist the urge to play and whose behavior compromises personal, family and work relationships.

LIG - LazioInGioco intends to put in place a set of interventions (mapping of services; training and supervision; vademecum of the counter operator) to support the creation of the information and listening desks provided by the Department of Social Policies, which will instead have the following tasks:

- welcome people affected by GAP in search of help and their family members to direct them to social and health services in the area;

- involve social and institutional entities sensitive to the issue and already active in the area.

The project is managed by a temporary business association made up of Coop. Soc. Parsec, the Coop. Soc. Il Cammino, the Psy + Onlus association and the AUSER association.

The grouping as a whole responds to the complexity of the project which must provide specific expertise on pathological gambling, but also a capillary capacity for territorial involvement and an experience in the planning and design of interventions and social communication.

The whole process will be supervised by a Scientific Committee and will make use of a large network of local and national partners.


hazard, gambling, addictions, game

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